Member Documents
Emergency Maintenance Request
For emergencies during after-hours, weekends and holidays, call the emergency maintenance number: 517-202-7820.
For emergencies during regular business hours, simply call the office at 517-882-4176 to submit an emergency maintenance request.

Non-Emergency Maintenance Request
Members: to submit a maintenance request, call the office at 517-882-4176 (talk to staff or leave a voicemail) or click the button below to submit an online non-emergency maintenance request.
Provide the following: member name, address, complete explanation of the request/problem, provide permission for maintenance to enter unit if member is not home, and whether or not there will be a pet present.
Once received, staff will schedule the work to be done. Should the member have questions regarding the status of their service, they should contact the office directly.
For more information, please refer to the Rules & Regulations Handbook.
Pet Application Form
Members are allowed to keep a maximum of 2 registered and approved pets on premises. It is the Members' responsibility to read and thoroughly understand all pet rules and policies established by Colonial Townhouses and all local ordinances governing pet ownership. Failure to comply could result in fines and the loss of pet ownership rights within the cooperative. For more information, please refer to the Rules & Regulations Handbook.

Satellite Dish Policy Form
Not all members may have the ability to install a satellite dish due to the direction needed to receive a signal. Prior to installation by a professional installer, members must complete the following: submit installation/alteration request, sign and submit Satellite Dish Policy Form (see below) and arrange for site inspection by management. For a complete list of requirements and restrictions, please refer to the Rules & Regulations Handbook.
Installation/Alteration Permit
Members may not, without the express, written consent of the Cooperative, make any structural alterations, remove any additions, improvements, or fixtures from the premises, nor can they alter the water, gas, electrical conduits, plumbing or other fixtures without written consent of the Cooperative. For full policy, please refer to the Rules & Regulations Handbook.
Member shall obtain written permission by submitting a signed copy of the Installation/Alteration Permit available below.

Vehicle Registration Form
All vehicles belonging to members of a household must be registered with the Cooperative office in order to park in a lot. In order to register a vehicle and obtain a parking sticker, the member must complete a Vehicle Registration form (see below) and provide a Michigan Registration for the vehicle. Each household will be issued one primary parking sticker with the number of their assigned space on it. For more information and to learn about multiple vehicle policies, please refer to the Rules & Regulations Handbook.
Clubhouse Rental
The clubhouse is available for Members to rent on a first come, first serve basis. Reservations can be made up to 6 months in advance.
Download the Clubhouse Rental Agreement below and review all clubhouse rental policies found in the Rules & Regulations Handbook prior to placing a deposit.

Deck Policy & Permit Form
If space allows, Members can arrange to have an outdoor deck built behind their townhouse with prior approval. Full specs on multiple different deck options are already prepared for members to choose from. Simply download the Deck Policy & Permit Form below and contact the office with questions.
Patio Policy & Permit Form
Members are allowed to build a patio behind their townhouse. They must adhere to all patio policies outlined in the form below and the Rules and Regulations Handbook.